Assessment in Online Law School Classes by Emily Grant on TaxProfBlog
Back to the Future: Conducting Virtual Oral Arguments by Abigail Perdue on Teach Law Better.
Giving an Online Exam by Margaret Ryznar
Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start, by Michelle D. Miller in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
How to Be a Better Online Teacher, in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Inside Higher Education hosts an ongoing series of article on the current shift to remote teaching.
More on Online Teaching, by Seth C. Oranburg on Prawfblog.
Protecting Privacy and Security in Online Instruction: A Guide for Students and Faculty by Mary Anne Franks
Recommendations for Online Teaching by the St. John's University School of Law faculty.
The Secret Weapon of Good Online Teaching: Discussion Forums by Flower Darby.
Six Strategies for Successful Online Learning by Susan Landrum on Teach Law Better.
Teaching through the Pandemic Part I, by Joan Heminway on Business Law Prof Blawg.
Teaching through the Pandemic Part II, by Joan Heminway on Business Law Prof Blawg.
Thoughts and Tips on Teaching with Zoom by Josh Blackman on the Volokh Conspiracy.
Tips for Teaching Law Classes Online in the Event of a COVID-19 Shut Down of Law Schools, posted in the Faculty Lounge.
Sarah Berman et al., Secure Online High Stakes Testing: A Serious Alternative as Legal Education Moves Online, SSRN (2020).
Timothy Casey, Reflections on Legal Education in the Aftermath of a Pandemic, 28 Clinical L. Rev. 85 (2021).
Ronald J. Colombo, Teaching a Synchronous Online Business Organizations Course to J.D. Students: A Case Study, Hofstra L. Rev. (forthcoming).
Lawrence A. Cunningham, Adapting to Remote Law Practice through the Pandemic: Essays from the GWNY 2020 Business Lawyering Class, SSRN (2020).
Tracy G. Crump, Providing Virtual Legal Writing Support to Law Students Beyond the Classroom, 34 Second Draft 1 (2021).
Yvonne Dutton and Seema Mohapatra, COVID-19 and Law Teaching: Guidance on Developing an Asynchronous Online Course for Law Students, St. Louis Univ. L. J. (forthcoming 2021).
Noam Ebner, 'Next Week, You Will Teach Your Courses Online': A Reassuring Introduction to Pandemic Pedagogy, SSRN (2020).
Noam Ebner and Sharon Press, Pandemic Pedagogy II: Conducting Simulations and Role Plays in Online, Video-Based, Synchronous Courses, SSRN (2020).
Kelly Gamble, Can I Teach You in a Hall? Can I Teach You on a Call? Can I Teach You from My Room? Can I Teach You on a Zoom?, 34 Second Draft 1 (2021).
Rebekah Hanley, Zoom Whiplash: The Paradoxes of Remote LRW, 34 Second Draft 1 (2021).
Eric S. Janus, The "Worst Idea Ever!" - Lessons from One Law School's Pioneering Embrace of Online Learning Methods, 70 Syracuse L. Rev. 13 (2020).
Nina A. Kohn, Online Learning and the Future of Legal Education, 70 Syracuse L. Rev. 1 (2020).
Jacqueline D. Lipton, Distance Legal Education: Lessons from the *Virtual* Classroom, 60 IDEA 71 (2020).
James McGrath & Andrew P. Morriss, Online Legal Education & Access to Legal Education & the Legal System, 70 Syracuse L. Rev. 49 (2020).
Agnieszka McPeak, Asynchronous Online Law School Teaching: A Few Observations, SSRN (2020).
Ira Steven Nathenson, Teaching Law Online: Yesterday and Today, But Tomorrow Never Knows, St. Louis Univ. L.J. (forthcoming 2021).
Seth C. Oranburg, Distance Education in the Time of Coronavirus: Quick and Easy Strategies for Professors, SSRN (2020).
Seth C. Oranburg and David Tamasy, Corporations Hybrid: A COVID Case Study on Innovation in Business Law Pedagogy, SSRN (2020)
Ellen S. Podgor, Teaching A Live Synchronous Distance Learning Course: A Student Focused Approach, 2006 U. Ill. J.L. Tech. & Pol'y 263.
Jennifer Reise, Moving Ahead: Finding Opportunities for Transactional Training in Remote Legal Education, William Mitchell L. Rev. (forthcoming).
Margaret Ryznar, A Brief Guide to Online Teaching (forthcoming).
Margaret Ryznar, Lessons from Teaching Tax Online, Pitt. Tax Rev. (forthcoming).
Margaret Ryznar & Yvonne M. Dutton, Lighting a Fire: The Power of Intrinsic Motivation in Online Teaching, 70 Syracuse L. Rev. 73 (2020).
Margaret Ryznar, What Works in Online Teaching, St. Louis Univ. L. J. (forthcoming).
Sarah Schendel, The Pandemic Syllabus, 98 Denver L. Rev. Forum (2020).
Michael Hunter Schwartz, Towards a Modality-less Model for Excellence in Law School Teaching, 70 Syracuse L. Rev. 115 (2020).
Christian Sundquist, The Future of Law Schools: COVID-19, Technology, and Social Justice, U. Conn. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2020).
Victoria Sutton, Asynchronous, E-Learning in Legal Education: A Comparative Study with the Traditional Classroom, 70 Syracuse L. Rev. 143 (2020).
Victoria Sutton, Perceptions of Online Learning and COVID-19 Countermeasures Among Law Students in a One-year Followup Study, SSRN (2021).
Kenneth R. Swift, The Seven Principles for Good Practice in (Asynchronous Online) Legal Education, 44 Mitchell Hamline L. Rev. 105 (2018) (the author has posted highlights from this article on the Teach Law Better blog.)
Noelle Wall Sweany, From Theory to Practice: Evidence-Based Strategies for Designing and Developing Engaging Online Courses, 70 Syracuse L. Rev. 167 (2020).
David I.C. Thomson, Elements of Effective Online Instruction in Law, St. 65 St. Louis Univ. L.J. __ (forthcoming 2021).
David I.C. Thomson, How Online Learning Can Help Address Three Persistent Problems in Legal Education, 70 Syracuse L. Rev. 181 (2020).
Beatrice Trice, Welcome to My One-Woman Show!: My Unexpected New Career as a Skills Video Producer, 34 Second Draft 1 (2021).
Distance Learning in Legal Education: Design, Delivery and Recommended Practices (2015). (This is a free online book, published by CALI).