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Foreign Law Research


Best Bets (databases):

  • GlobalexA Research Guide to the Argentine Legal System. Free access.  Provides English-language summary of foreign legal system and an exhaustive list of links to credible government databases in Argentina that provide access to legislation and jurisprudence, such as:
    • Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica: Argentine government website. Searches legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine in the vernacular. Free access.
    • InfoLEG: Argentine government website. Search box searches legislation, and government documents in the vernacular.  Or go here for an outline with links to all the material provided on this database including international, national, and provincial codes and constitutions.
  • Foreign Law Guide: database for sources of foreign law from many jurisdictions around the world, including Argentina. Subscription - UMN Law only. English-language summary of foreign law sources with citations to credible foreign law sources (print and electronic). 
  • Oxford Constitutions of the World: database for current and historical constitutions by jurisdiction (Argentina).
  • LOC Guide to Law Online: Law Library of Congress website re: Argentine legal sources. Free access.
  • Index to Legal Periodicals (ILP) OR Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP): finds law review/journal articles about Argentine law in English or Spanish, depending on source. Subscription - UMN community only.
  • MNCAT: use the catalog to find print and electronic sources referenced in databases above or conduct a search with the following subject headings:
    • Argentina
    • laws and legislation -- Argentina
    • [legal topic] -- Argentina (for example: commercial law -- Argentina)


Go here for a guide on researching the law of Canada.




Common Scandinavian legal abbreviations

Background Sources:



National (Domestic) Cases:

Fun Facts:


Go here for a guide on researching the law of France.


Go here for a guide on researching the law of Germany.


Background Sources:

A Description of the Structure of the Hellenic Republic, the Greek Legal System, and Legal Research by Maria Panezi.

Constitution of Greece via Oxford's Constitutional Law database (available to UMN community only).

National (Domestic) Case Law:

Areios Pagos = supreme civil and criminal court of Greece. Cases are searchable by case number or (greek) keyword/topic.


Greek Bar Association's database

Greek Judges and Prosecutors Association


Knesset's National Legislation Database: provides information on all of the laws of the State of Israel, the proposed legislation in the legislative process or whose legislation has been halted and the laws whose enactment has been completed. Every law of the State of Israel has a page in the database that presents the legislative history since it was first enacted and all its amendments. Every amendment to the law and every bill contains a page in the database containing the draft law's drafts as well as "the Knesset" and the minutes of the deliberations in the Knesset committees.

Israel's Basic Laws (חוקי היסוד): 

Reshumot [Official gazette] 

  • Find via Knesset publication database: 
  • Israeli Dept. of Justice records search:

Case law databases: 

  • = Israel's Supreme Court database
  • Israel Supreme Court advanced search option:
  • Reported cases:
  • District Court of Tel Aviv's website:
  • Psakdin: Israeli legal database  Free but requires registration
  • Cardozo Law School's project to translate Israeli Supreme Court cases: 

Israeli Law Reviews/Journals:

  • Hamishpat ("The Law") published by the Haim Strix School of Law of the College of Management:


Background Sources:


Case Law:




Go here for a guide on researching the law of Sweden.

United Kingdom

Go here for a guide on researching the law of the United Kingdom.

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