Finding Books on Islamic Law
To locate treatises that focus on Islamic law, search MNCAT or WorldCat using the following subject headings:
Also, books are sometimes listed under the subject: Muslim (e.g., Muslim women -- Legal status, laws, etc.). In addition to subject searches, use keyword searches; e.g., Muslim OR islam? with family law. For example, to search for books that address the status of Muslims or Islam in India, try the subject search: muslims -- india OR islam -- india. Also try the keyword search muslim? india OR islam? india. [In these examples, the question mark will retrieve Muslim and Muslims, Islam and Islamic.]
Note: Do not restrict your searches to the Law Library. The Wilson Library, including the Ames Library of South Asia, has many works that deal wholly or in part with Islamic law. WorldCat will help you find materials that are available off campus.
Finding Periodical Articles on Islamic Law
To find periodicals that focus on Islamic Law, search MNCAT or WorldCat using the following subject heading: Islamic law -- Periodicals. These are some of the titles available:
Articles in Other Legal Periodicals
Full-text databases of journals on WestlawNext and Lexis Advance also include articles on Islamic law. If you need to limit the number of articles retrieved, use advanced field (WestlawNext) or segment (Lexis Advance) searches to ensure that one or more of your search terms appears in the title of the article. For example, to find articles on Islam and human rights, try the search title(Islam? OR muslim) & "human right" /p Islam? OR muslim.
You can also find articles on Islamic law using the following legal periodical indexes. For any of these indexes, try keyword searches as an alternative to the subject headings.
Articles in Non Legal Periodicals
An index to social science and public affairs journals, PAIS International, includes articles on Islamic law. The main subject index heading (descriptor) is Islamic law. You can also add a jurisdiction to the subject, e.g., Islamic law: Egypt.