ABA Section of Legal Education and Admission to the Bar, including Resources for Educators.
Best Practices for Legal Education
"This site was created with two goals in mind: 1) to create a useful web-based source of information on current reforms in legal education arising from the publication of Roy Stuckey’s Best Practices for Legal Education and the Carnegie Foundation’s Educating Lawyers; and 2) to create a place where those interested in the future of legal education can freely exchange ideas, concerns, and opinions."
Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
CALI is a non-profit consortium of law schools that researches and develops computer-mediated legal instruction and supports institutions and individuals using technology and distance learning in legal education. Also has links to podcasts, Instapoll, Lawdibles, CALI Author, 800 web-based student tutorials for law courses, and other tools for faculty.
Center for Excellence in Law Teaching (CELT)
"The Center serves as a web-based clearinghouse for material on teaching and curriculum development, legal education reform and the ABA accreditation revisions based on the "Student Learning Outcomes" movement; CELT also hosts the Best Practices for Legal Education blog."
Clinical Legal Education Association
CLEA serves "as a voice for clinical teachers and to represent their interests inside and outside the academy." Their website contains a directory of members, abstracts from the journal Clinical Law Review and a pdf of Roy Stuckey's Best Practices for Legal Education.
Institute for Law Teaching & Learning
The institute "is committed to serving the needs of full time and adjunct law teachers from the United States and abroad." The Resources page provides links to a wealth of material.
Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System
Resources provided include course portfolios, articles, tools, reports, and activities from law schools, educators, and members of the legal profession.
Law Professor Blogs
A network of blogs designed to assist law faculty in their scholarship and teaching. Each site focuses on a particular area of law, ranging from administrative to workplace.
Legal Education, ADR and Practical Problem Solving (LEAPS) Project
LEAPS is a project of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution's Law Schools Committee. The LEAPS website is designed to help faculty incorporate "practical problem-solving" (PPS) into their instruction. The site includes: descriptions of teaching techniques; suggestions on engaging colleagues to encourage PPS instruction; overcoming barriers to incorporation of PPS in doctrinal courses; curriculum models from various schools that incorporate PPS skills in their curricula; lists of consultants who can help on specific courses; discussions; PPS-related teaching materials, and links to other relevant sites.
A growing collection of short videos and teaching materials covering topics in various areas of law, contributed by law professors at U.S. law schools. LegalEd also features a collection of over 30 short videos, also contributed by law professors, on various topics concerning pedagogy.
National Legal Research Teach-In
The National Legal Research Teach-In, sponsored by the American Association of Law Libraries Research Instruction and Patron Services Special Interest Section (RIPS-SIS), "is an annual campaign to give law librarians the opportunity to share materials and ideas for legal research instruction. Each year the RIPS Teach-In committee solicits contributions from the law library community to create a compilation of materials for use in developing and advertising educational programs and events for our institutions." Materials include syllabi, handouts and guides, games, quizzes, PowerPoint presentations, etc.
Touro College Learning and Teaching Exchange
A blog for Touro College faculty to share their insights, reflections, and thoughts on how to promote better student learning.
The UK Centre for Legal Education
UKCLE supports effective practice in learning, teaching, and assessment in law. UKCLE is a subject centre of the Higher Education Academy.