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International Trade Law

researching international trade, researching WTO law, researching international trade law, researching NAFTA, legal research international trade

Trade Dispute Resolution


These are some of the sources available for panel reports and decisions. Other relevant sources can be found by searching MNCAT with keywords or s=arbitration and award, international or s=dispute resolution (law).


GATT and WTO Panel  and Appellate Body Reports


         Basic Instruments and Selected Documents. K 4603 1947 .A4 G46x 1952;  Reserve K 4603 1947 .A4 G46x 1952 Suppl.


        LexisNexis (Select Law by Topic; International Trade).


        WestlawNext (WTO & GATT Panel Decisions).


        Summaries are published in the Federal Register.


        OAS Trade Information System


        WTO website:  Dispute Settlement 


        World Trade This site also includes expert commentary on WTO law.


        Handbook of WTO/GATT Dispute Settlement (1991- ) K4602.2 1991x


        The WTO Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards 1995–2010 serves as an index of decisions.



NAFTA Panel Decisions


         LexisNexis (Select Law by Topic; International Trade).


        WestlawNext (NAFTA Awards and Binational Panel Decisions includes FTA panel decisions from 1/89-4/94).



        Summaries are published in the Federal Register.


        NAFTA website:  Decisions


         International Investment Law and Arbitration: Leading Cases from the ICSID, NAFTA, Bilateral Treaties, and Customary International Law          (Todd Weiler ed., 2005) K3830 .I595x 2005.


FTA Panel Review Decisions


        LexisNexis (Select Law by Topic; International Trade).


        WestlawNext (NAFTA Awards and Binational Panel Decisions includes FTA panel decisions from 1/89-4/94).


        Summaries were published in the Federal Register.



United States and Other Countries' Briefs


Briefs filed by US in WTO proceedings collects links to various countries' submissions in WTO and NAFTA disputes




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