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Swedish Constitution

The Swedish Constitution consists of 4 fundamental laws, which are distinct from and take precedence over all other laws:

Print copies of these fundamental laws are on the 4th floor of the law library in the section beginning: KKV2070.

Additionally, the Law Library maintains several databases for Swedish constitutional law research:

Riksdag Act

The Riksdag is the Swedish Parliament.  The Riksdag Act (Riksdagsordningen) contains detailed rules about the work procedures of Parliament.  Until 1974, the Riksdag Act was a fundamental law, but since then it has occupied an intermediate position between fundamental law and ordinary legislation.  

Swedish Code of Statutes

All new laws and ordinances enacted by the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) and the Swedish government (Regeringsknsliet) are published in the Swedish Code of Statutes (Svensk Författningssamling (SFS)). There are several ways to access the SFS:

  • The Swedish Parliament provides online access to the SFS with a keyword search feature  (in Swedish only).
  • The Swedish government also provides access to the SFS through two databases: (1) a database on its website that allows for keyword searching and (2) a database that provides the original .pdf of legislation that allows for searching by SFS number, title, author, ministry, or text. Coverage is 1998:306 to present. (in Swedish only).  
  • The Law Library maintains print copies of the Svensk Författningssamling on the 4th floor (KKV12.S88x.)  Coverage is 1850-1994; 1996-1998.


  • Some government agencies will produce English translations of the regulations that apply in their field.  You can search for them on the "legal documents" page of the Swedish government's English-language site (coverage 2007-present) or on the agency's website.

Additionally, the Law Library subscribes to several databases that help you locate foreign codes. See below.

Legislative Materials

Parliamentary bills and communications, requests and reports, debates and other parliamentary activity are available on the Riksdag's website under the "documents and laws" tab.  The search feature is available only in Swedish.  Coverage varies from the early-1970s to present.

Government official reports, such as reports of legislative commissions and other studies submitted to the government, are published in the Statens Offentliga Utredningar (SOU).  

  • The Swedish government's "legal documents" page features a search function that covers SOU series. The search feature is available in English or Swedish.
  • Linkoping University provides scanned copies of the SOU with a keyword search function that recognizes English.  Coverage is 1922-2016.

The Law Library has selected reports published in the Statens Offentliga Utredningar.  These are shelved on the 4th floor in the KKV15.6.S73x section.  

SOUs are also available at Wilson Library (J406.R15) along with other official parliamentary publications (Riksdagstryck) (J406.H24). Wilson Library also has bibliographies and other tools for finding Swedish legislative information (e.g., Riksdagens Årsbok and Sveriges Statliga Publikationer, Bibliografi). Consult MNCAT under author or title for holdings and exact locations.

University of Minnesota Law Library
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