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Law Scholarship Impact and Visibility

HeinOnline Author Profiles

HeinOnline provides computer-generated citation counts for legal scholars, and incorporates that information into its ScholarCheck rankings system. ScholarCheck seeks to be the gold standard for counting citations in legal scholarship.

Tracking Your Scholarship and Citations on HeinOnline

 Searching for your name as author or for an article title provides quick access to citation data:

  1. Go to the HeinOnline Law Journals Library
  2. Search for your name or article title. Use the Advanced search page to limit the search to the author/creator field. Please keep in mind alternative spellings or nicknames, and name changes.
  3. Click on your name. 

On this profile page, you will see impact factor analytics as well as a list of your published articles that are available on HeinOnline.

Creating and Editing Your HeinOnline Author Profile

All Law School faculty should already have a HeinOnline author profile set up for them.  You can edit your own Profile or allow the Law Library to edit it on your behalf.  If you'd like the Law Library to make the edits, please send the updates needed to Ben Keele ( 612-625-0793.

If you want to edit your own Author Profile you first need a MyHein account that uses the email address found in your Author Profile. If you don't already have a MyHein account, here's how to create one:

  1. Click the MyHein menu item located on the upper right of all pages in Hein Online.
  2. Create a user name and password, then enter your email address, your name, and optionally your institution. Select a User Type. Click Register.
  3. After creating your account, you will receive an email confirming your username and password.

To edit your Author Profile:

  1. Connect to HeinOnline then log into your MyHein account.
  2. Select Author Profile Admin from the dropdown list.
  3. Follow Hein's instructions for how to edit your profile.
  4. (Optional) you can also add the URL of your SSRN profile to the Media section of the page. The URL of your SSRN profile can be found by going to your SSRN Author Page and copying its URL.


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your iD with your professional information — affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more. You can use your iD to share your information with other systems, ensuring you get recognition for your scholarship's impact across multiple platforms, and reducing the risk of citation errors that could lead to undercounting.  Using ORCID also allows you to include scholarship that is not on the HeinOnline platform.

To get started, register for an ORCID iD. (This support page gives more information about each field in the registration form).

* If you intend to connect your HeinOnline Author Profile to ORCiD (recommended), Visibility must be set to either Trusted Parties or Everyone.*

Once registered, add your basic professional information and other identifiers.

Connecting your HeinOnline Author Profile and ORCID

Once you have set up a HeinOnline Author Profile and finished adding works, you can send those works to ORCID.

  1. From your HeinOnline Author Profile, click Register or Connect your ORCiD ID.
  2. Sign into your ORCiD account.
  3. A screen will display noting "HeinOnline has asked for the following access to your ORCiD Record." Click Authorize.
  4. You'll be returned to HeinOnline and your ORCiD ID will now display on your Author Profile.
  5. Click on the Send works to ORCiD button. A list of the works HeinOnline thinks are yours will display with a check box next to them so you can select them. (Any works that have already been sent to ORCiD will not include a checkbox.)
  6. Click the checkbox next to each work you want to send to ORCiD, then click Submit.  You may see a message that it might take a while for citations to be uploaded, depending on how many there are.
  7. Log in to your ORCiD account and make sure your works are entered correctly.

If you wish, the Law Library can review your publications listing and add any that were not automatically input when you linked to HeinOnline or imported from Google Scholar (see below).  If you would like assistance with this, contact Ben Keele (

Google Scholar Profiles


Google Scholar Citations is a free tool for tracking citations as well as for marketing the impact of your scholarly citations. Google is the most common method of discovering scholarship among both laypeople and academic users, and creating a profile with Google Scholar can make work easier to find, and allow readers to follow you to be alerted to new scholarship you publish.  This is especially true for scholars whose work is interdisciplinary.

Finding Google Scholar Citations by Author

While researchers can always search for your name in Google Scholar, having a profile makes it much easier to see all of your work in a clean place (e.g.).  To find a profile:

  1. Search by author name or article title in the Google Scholar article search, or search by Google Scholar Profile
  2. Click on the author’s name in the article or their Profile

Create Your Google Scholar Profile

  1. Sign into Google using your email.
  2. Go to Google Scholar
  3. Click on "My profile"
  4. Fill out the Google Scholar Sign Up Form. Be sure to use your email address. 
  5. When asked to select publication groups, select those that include your work, and then use the search bar to search for alternate forms of your name if applicable.

If you would like assistance from the Library in creating or managing your profile, contact Ben Keele ( for assistance.

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