SSRN Submissions: The Law Library facilitates the submission of Law School faculty scholarship to the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Faculty can submit papers via the Law School’s SSRN Submission Form or by contacting Ben Keele at or (612) 625-0793. Papers submtted by either of these methods will be included in the University of Minnesota Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series and also appear on the Law School’s Faculty Research Papers (SSRN) web page.
If you'd prefer to submit your manuscript to SSRN yourself please use this link to have your paper included in the Law School's SSRN Legarl Research Papers Series and also contact Ben, to obtain the Research Paper No. to include with your submission. Also, please read SSRN's Terms of Use, especially the section on copyright, to ensure your submission meets these requirements.
SSRN (Social Science Research Network) is used by most law faculty to publish, read, and track scholarship. For faculty, SSRN tracks number of papers, downloads, and citations, as well as applying a rank to the latter two measures.
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