Accessing Physical Reserves
Reserve materials are kept behind the circulation desk and are available upon request. The Reserve Collection includes high demand materials (e.g. study aids, Restatement volumes, West's Hornbook and Nutshells series, recent Minnesota Continuing Legal Education publications, Minnesota and United States codes) and course materials placed on reserve by faculty members and student organizations.
Reserve materials may be checked out for three-hour periods (or overnight, three hours before closing time). Materials checked out overnight must be returned within 30 minutes after the library opens the following day.
Please be prompt in returning reserve materials, as these materials are in high demand
Overdue Reserve items accrue $1.50 fine per hour
Library Course Page on Canvas
Course materials and readings can be found through your course’s Library Course page on Canvas. You must be logged in to your course page on Canvas to view your course materials. Select the Library Course Page on the left-hand column of your Canvas course site to access available course materials.
Past Exams
Past exams are available on your Library Course Page on Canvas. Some past exams may also be available in binders at the circulation desk. These exams are only released a few weeks before finals. Faculty members must grant permission for exams to be made available for students, so if an exam is not in a binder or on Canvas, the faculty member has not released it.
The exam binders may not be checked out; please scan or photocopy the exams using the copiers in the library lobby. Please be courteous; use only one binder at a time and keep the binders in the circulation desk area.