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International Human Rights (LAW 6886)

This guide was created for Professor Weissbrodt's International Human Rights course, Fall 2016

International Conventions (Treaties)

International conventions (or treaties) are essentially contracts between nations.  They can be bilateral (between two nations) or multilateral (between many nations).  Treaty research involves multiple steps:

  1. Identify all the treaties applicable to your topic area.  This requires you to start research in books and articles.
  2. Find the treaty.  Most international human rights treaties are on the web.   
  3. Determine the status of the treaty.  Is it still in effect? 
  4. Determine the parties of the treaty.  If your topic involves analyzing the United States, you will want to know if the United States is a party to the treaty.  Sometimes that is available on the same website that provides the treaty's text.  Other times, you will need to do deeper research.  Ask me!
  5. Determine if the extent of RUDs (reservations, understandings, and declarations) taken.

For further help researching treaties, go to the research guide for it: here.

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